"Cruel" humor

Almost every laugh in this movie would be deemed "cruel" today.


Explain please.


Watch the movie, exercise your thinking skills, and it will become clear. Not everyone needs to do everything for you.


The echo from the mic drop is still ringing...


Only to liberals. The rest of us still have a sense of humor.


I get that. But the humorless crowd (I don't call them liberals because they're quite illiberal) somehow dictates what gets made in Hollywood these days.


Whats a liberal?
genuine question


Ah, the "genuine question" ploy in which you play dumb and pray for someone to respond with a definition you can argue with when you suddenly know exactly what a (fill in the blank) is.

How long will you all be going with this routine?


Well that was two years ago , I was young , nieve , and thought these political labels were somewhat grounded in something other than Us & Them gang mentality hate on both sides.

After two more years reading the cesspool that is the politics board I've come realise the definitions are.

Con thinks:
Right = Good upstanding god fearing people who believe in working hard and independance.
Left = Dirty Commie sexual deviant scum, who want to rape our children and murder us all, burn our cities , and scrounge money.

Dem thinks:
Left = Good upstanding community spirited people who believe we should all work together .
Right = Racist Facists who hate all non whites and dont believe in charity or giving a shit about anyone else.


This is as good a summation as I've seen. I think you nailed it.


Only the left are right


Only the left are really that stupid.


It’s only cruel to fragile little snowflakes who think that their feelings are more important than everyone else’s


Yes and no. Clark is as jerk who puts his ambition above everything else with the intention to give everyone the best experience possible. Problem is, he so obtuse that he tends to go too far and make everything as mess. It's funny to me. I just feel bad that one of the horrid great Aunt's last meals is a pee sandwich.

Then again, she could have put it down...


You can of course imagine this movie with flawless, altruistic, wise and pragmatic characters.

SO FUNNY when nothing goes wrong and everyone quickly go to the amusement park (or better yet, Hawaii) by airplane and have a great time.

You must be a master comedian, how do you come up with this hilarious stories?!


I see you missed the point. I actually like how obtuse Clark is and how it causes the messes they get into.


I did not miss the point, I think you are too harsh on this good family man with good intentions, that JUST wants his family to have a fun vacation, sense of togetherness, and an uplifting experience in a wonderful theme park.

How is someone like that a 'jerk'? It's not "his ambition" - ambition would describe a SELFISH drive to serve greed and put other people down. It's a DRIVE to DRIVE to 'the most fun place in the world' so he can GIVE his family a lot of fun.

You are not only unfair to this movie and its characters, you feel bad for the most hostile Karen in the movie, your sympathies are on the wrong side, and the funniest thing in your post is that you not only DID find it all FUNNY (which is the whole POINT of a COMEDY, after all! So it did what it set out to do and YET you complain?)... but you also think posters here can't figure out your simplistic, misunderstanding, insulting post just because you use a word like 'obtuse' instead of 'stupid/dumb/unintelligent/insensitive/etc.'..

Look, I 'got' your point (not that there's much to get, you just want to twist something good and fun to something evil and insulting, while being insulting to everything around you at the same time), I just didn't WANT to dissect your obtuse post (see what I did here), because I figured it'd be more fun to just reflect something about it back to you in a humorous way.

Since I didn't get through to you, here you go, consider your point 'gotten' and crushed.


Lol. You read some intentions that weren't there. That's hilarious how you "crushed" you interpretations. Keep it up.


Another reason to love this movie!
