Cozy and cute

I. always watch it when it's on. It's cozy and amusing. Love the Midwest backdrop (Michigan), the Halloween scene, Keaton and Ann Jillian's comic timing; Terri Garr giving Michael the fisheye just before she leaves with her boss; Keaton at ladies night out, the soap opera parody, Schooner Tuna, "the tuna with a heart", the white picket fence, the giving up of the "wubbie", the baby eating chili...



how about a remake starring owen and/or luke wilson? i'd watch that.

I'm not better than you, not worse either.
No, wait, I am better than you. Never mind.


I would hate to see this as a remake.
If they did a remake, it would be just another cliche movie.
This is the original and it should stay the way it is.
No more remakes.


Remakes don't annihilate the original, which can always be enjoyed over and over again. I don't get this hatred of all remakes attitude that I often come across. Sure, most remakes are crap, but not absolutely all of them.


I'll tell you why many people, including myself, are against remakes.

First, it's pointless. If the original holds up well enough on its own over the course of time, there's no reason for a remake.

Second, as you said, most remakes are crap.

Third, and most important to me, remakes are just an excuse for Hollywood not coming up with new ideas for movies. With the glut of bad movies that have been out for years now, it's obvious that Hollywood doesn't have much left in its tank as far as originality. And that certainly applies to television as well. By making a remake, they just get a quick money grab instead of actually having to come up with new ideas. It's a really bad trend, but as long as remakes make money, it'll only continue.



Because most now are so poorly done. For a decent remake, see Philadelphia Story, remake of High Society (or vice versa - I can NEVER keep them straight). Now they just pack them with potty jokes, or make men women (or vice versa). The same with the television shows turned into movies - Jump Street was a great TV show; the movie was a travesty.


Super cute. I remember this movie from cable in the '80s--this is a quintessentially '80s gender role reversal comedy. LOVE IT. Teri Garr and Michael Keaton are so great here, and Anne Jillian so funny and hot. Very clever and well done, especially the kids (who are terrifically cast and basically adorable).


I saw it for the first time, last night. My mom wanted me to see this. I thought I was better than I thought it would be. I rate it 10/10.

Volker Flenske: (While torturing David) I don't know why you're doing this to yourself!


I saw it years ago as a teen and loved it then. Rewatched it just now at 33 and still love it. Totally agree about it being very cozy and cute. All it needed was a little snow and it would have been perfect 

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried
