What's the point?



*beep* you


Care to elaborate?


I'm guessing you did it to make yourself look retarded. I won't hazard a guess as to the motivation of said act.

This story is already over


its basically a drug and sex fest. the ending wasn't that good. I dont know why she killed the german dude. some hot girls in this though


There's no point that I can see. This somehow "spoke" to SOME of the college crowd back in 1982--they're the ones who made it a big hit. I was in college in 1982, saw it, and was bored and repelled by the cruel characters, bad acting and stupid plot. Don't worry--you're not missing any point.


I also saw this movie when it came out. Except as a junior high schooler. I obviously didn't know what was going on.

The main things I got from the movie was the New Wave music, fashions, hair and make-up. I totally missed the point about everything else.

I just tried to watch Liquid Sky again as a 40 something and couldn't get past the music and bad acting. Although I still like the clothes and hair cuts.

I feel like a measuring stick that has transformed over the past 28 years.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


Thank you. I'm 40 something too and was considering seeing it again (even though I hated it back in 1982) but I'll go by what u said. From what I remember the "music" and acting were just dreadful. Still it DOES show what New Wave was like. I do remember liking the costumes and makeup...but that's about all.

