MovieChat Forums > Krull (1983) Discussion > Why was the Glaive called a Glaive?

Why was the Glaive called a Glaive?

Traditionally, the glaive is a polearm. Casual research does not suggest any prior use of the term glaive as a throwing weapon.

Did the writers and directors just think the word sounded cool?

Damion Crowley
All complaints about my post go to Helen Waite.


If the poles were armed, why couldn't they stop the nazis from invading?


[we're sorry but there is no drum roll with cymbal clash emoticon. damn you! damn your eyes, anyway!]

Damion Crowley
All complaints about my post go to Helen Waite.



The Beast Stomach Stapler??? I know you can do better than that.

The grave is no bar to my call.



That's much better. I'm still a Krull fan, but I think you're growing on me. Are you a closet fan? Just kidding.

The grave is no bar to my call.


Yhat SeussMeTub dick is ALWAYS on Krull boards trying to get a rise out of people.

Just ignore him. He thrives on attention.



See what I mean?




I know about Dr. Seuss. I've been on IMDb long enough to run into him and his like. I know this is going to come off as me being rude, and I'm not trying to be, but I really think you need to take your own advice. I see you responded to him after you told me to ignore him. I think he's funny in a certain context, and as such he doesn't really bother me, but if you (and others) keep responding to him by calling him a troll and this and that, he's just only going to keep it up. I won't say he'll go away if no one responds to him, but at the very least he could be the virtual bully who no one will acknowledge. Think about it.

The grave is no bar to my call.



Gee, Pacem, thanks for your wisdom. And for feeding the troll.



The grave is no bar to my call.


Yes which is why I have ignored Seuss for years now! The loser has nothing else better to do lmao


I've always wondered that as well, why they called it a glaive. I do remember, however, in the Atari video game it was called the Krullux, not the Glaive.


Glaive sounds a lot better than dagger boomerang or death frisbee. Also, it's not a commonly known word, so it sounds more potent than flying sword or throwing star. And foreign names like Chakram or Shurikin don't sound as good as Glaive. Really, what else could you name it and have it still retain it's aura of nobility and power?


I don't know, "the Death Frisbee" sounds pretty awesome.
