MovieChat Forums > The Hunger (1983) Discussion > Tony Scott's debut feature film is a lot...

Tony Scott's debut feature film is a lot like his brothers recent works at the time.

The Hunger (1983) is like someone wanted to make an erotic vampire film in the manner of Blade Runner (1982).

That neo-noir hyper stylish flair. The venetian blinds lighting with a lot of smoking.

The mood also is quite somber and mysterious with the pacing being slow and methodical.

Blade Runner deals with replicants wanting to live longer whilst The Hunger has vampires wishing to live longer/forever. Thus both films feature the quest for longevity from non-Humans.

You can see why some people who criticize Blade Runner for being style over substance would also take issue with this film. You can see where critics of Ridley and Tony are coming from but I personally love this style of film.

I do wonder if Tony took some pointers/inspiration from his brother for this. Aside from the rapid editing at times and the more erotic manner this film wouldn't look out of place in Ridley's filmography, especially post-Alien & Blade Runner and pre-Legend.

If you like Blade Runner and you like horror films this is a must watch, needless to say.
