scariest thing ever! (spoilers)

ok, when i watched this, it was my first time seeing it, ok for an old film, but for some reason in the very end... when she was next to the jester outfit, and it's head came up and the killer was looking at her and stuff.. that scared the *beep* OUT OF ME! did that scare anyone else or just me. it just freaked me out and all..



Man that clown scared the bejesus out of me as a kid. Made me deathly afraid of clowns for years. The music box didn't help to ease my fears either LOL



I know what you mean...that scene at the end scared the crap out of me! And it didn't help that I'm ALREADY afraid of clowns as it is. And I have to say the moment was pulled off very well...all the attention was focused on the attic door and the music box, so I totally didn't see it coming.

But I felt the movie had a few more scenes of good suspense. That one chase scene where that girl runs into the restroom was pretty tense to me. I love how it starts out...the killer breaking the door and sticking his bloody hand in to unlock it, and how it ends up in the showers. I felt it was very tense.


i agree with losingmysenses1985-1. those 2 were the best scenes of the movie. excellent ending!!!!!!


Even though I saw it coming, it was still a suspensful scene. I knew he was in the costume, but I wasn't quite sure when he would strike!


I think he appears earlier in the film, too. Kathryn sees the clown in that one room and realizes that it's identical to the one in the jack-in-the-box, but a character named Peter suddenly startles her. I wonder if that was the killer then also.


I have an almost-phobia of clowns (it's not quite a phobia, but I absolutely hate them and if I can avoid walking past even a cardboard cutout I will do so) so the first time that it showed the suit I told my friend, "I'm just waiting for her to look up and it be gone."

Imagine how my words came back to haunt me when she had left for work and I was finishing the movie by myself. The movie had very well built-up scenes of suspense but that moment was truly terrifying. I don't think I'll ever forget it--truly one of the most memorable moments in movie history.


scaries scene from the movie

You can't swing a dead cat in hollywood without hitting someone with a vampire script



I have a huge fear of clowns or anything similar, so yeah, it definitely scared me :( lol


I agree it was the scariest scene in it. Just shows you don't need buckets of blood for a good scare

I don't think he was in the costume when Katie first finds it, as she looks at it closely, even touches it. Still, what a good place to hide

'I like the way you made the movies longer. They're better that way.' Sinister
