Just saw it last night

To see these greats of the horror screen all in the same place was wonderful. We'll never see their likes again.

I don't know a lot about anything but I know a little about practically everything
Vincent Price


To see these greats of the horror screen all in the same place was wonderful. We'll never see their likes again.

Totally agree silvereagle2061 and
a perfectly well put statement here too  .

Just watched this movie a few hours ago
on the channel COMET for the very first time ever 
( IMPO - Thought the entire film was quite clever as well  ) .

Thanks so much silvereagle2061 for your subject post  .


I just purchased the DVD from Amazon, and gave it an airing last evening.

Quite impressed by the stellar cast, although the story was a little bit on the difficult side to follow/swallow.

I must admit to not being much of a fan of Desi Arnaz (Jr) or of the unattractive Louise English. Why she is in it, I'm not even sure, anyway, what is...is.

It was well worth it to see Cushing, Lee, Price, and Carradine all together for the first and only time.

The ending was quite a surprise, too.

7 out of 10.


The Opener of the Way is waiting....


Quite impressed by the stellar cast, although the story was a little bit on the difficult side to follow/swallow.

Hello there again anubis-45  !

It's great to see you here on this board too  .

You're not alone here on the confusion of this storyline
and twist ending etc.  .

I found here on this message board
a thread that seemed to explain it all
( IMPO - it made this movie seem even more clever & brilliant ! )
  .


---- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085693/board/flat/28572326 ----
