There should have been a sequel!

The good doctor could not stop the Silver Shamrock commercial. Millions of kids died that night. There shoulda been a sequel, showing funeral after funeral, and the FBI doing the investigation of the biggest mass murder in world history. Since Cockran, his androids and also his factory was destroyed, the mystery would need to be explained by the doctor. Would anyone believe him?


This is what I LOVE about this movie, the good guy for once is NOT able to save the day, despite his best efforts, and the villain wins and decimates the child population of America. Makes a nice grisly change, especially for a movie with a Halloween theme.

And people bashed this movie because it didn't have a boring serial killer who wore a William Shatner mask. Yawn.


like i said, there shoulda been a sequel to SOTW. I don't remember a horror movie ever made where millions of kids were targetted and murdered. The only movie i remember where children were attacked was the movie "The Children", back in the late 70's/early 80's. It was a movie, where a bus full of schoolkids passed a nuclear plant, and somehow made these kids radioactive killers. the
kids would touch people and kill them. It was very cheesy.


No, I don't think so, it's best left to the imagination. It's fun to speculate for ourselves, than to let someone set it in stone.
