as of 2/13/08 someone has a Pal format dvd on sale under the vhs listing on amazon. Its only 25$. Its listed under the vhs though, as the film doesnt have a dvd section. If you could play pal would you buy it?



well its like a region. America, and Canada are region 1....so any disc you buy here will only play here. So if you own pretty woman "for example" and you played it in france...it wouldnt play because that is region 2 "PAL" REGION 3,4,5, ARE LIKE AUSTRALIA, JAPAN, ETC..HOWEVER....dvd roms and cd roms on computers will play a pal disc, and you can even buy a region free player. That way you could buy a movie that is out of print here in the us on dvd from a country that still sells it. It would be a pal format, but the dvd player wouldnt recognize the code, and play it anyway. My computer plays pal, and I have a region free dvd player I bought on ebay for 20$...it is small an compact but movies that went away when everything was converted to dvd, alot are on dvd just in another country. PAL REGIONS. So I watch them on my dvd rom on the computer, or my region free player. Some people have region free players and dont even know it. Especially very cheap dvd players. It is a way for movie companies to sell you a movie twice. For example...if I moved to England and took my dvd collection and bought a dvd player there NONE WOULD PLAY because of the code in the DVD. So I would have to buy them all again. Computer dvd roms and region free players ignore the code and play them anyway. That way...if you can find an out of print tittle here in the US....well buy the dvd from another country...and then you can have almost any movie thats out of print on dvd! Does that make sense?
