Fave line

Rita: I suppose to want to go around looking like that then?

Frank: Like what?

Rita: Like a geriatric hippie.


Rita: It's the aristocracy that swears more than anyone. It's all "pass the f---ing pheasant" with them.


Rita: Me customer! She only wanted a demi-wave. She'll come out looking like a friggin' Muppet!



Frank, on the cut-off phone: "Morgan? *beep* off!"



"What am I doing? This is maaadness!"

"Hellooo Fraaank!"

Theres gotta be somebody for me out there - Nickelback


What does ASSONANCE mean?

I just loved this movie so much when it first came out, and still do!


If she was a wife a mine, I'd drown her...

If i was a wife a yours, I'd drown meself...


Rita: 'Wouldnt you just die without Mahler?'

Frank: 'Frankly, no'

I'm a great lover of Mahler, and Cain's delivery of his response had me in hysterics.

Great Britain for the Great British


I am a college professor, with tenure.

My favorite line should be obvious.


I have several:

(Rita talking to Frank about why she's insisting he be her tutor):
Because you're the (*beep*) crazy man who wants to throw his students out of the winda! I like ya!


I'm goin' the wrong way!
(I have no idea why, but this line tickles me)


Frank: Man killed by falling tree is not a tragedy.
Rita: Except for the poor (*beep*) under the tree!
(everybody laughs)


Rita: I wanted to shout out, warn Macbeth!
Frank: You didn't did you?
Rita: No, they would have thrown me out of the theater!


Frank: "Did you really come so far for so little?"

Great moment


My favourite line is when Rita turns up for her lesson
and asks Frank if he's drunk. He comes out
with this great response

"Drunk? Of course I'm drunk. You don't really expect me
to teach this when I'm sober do you?"


"There must be better songs to sing than this."

Rome. By all means, Rome.


This always makes me cry a bit...


Denny: In my family, a man has only to look at a woman and she's pregnant.

Rita: That's because you're all so cockeyed.
