Hi all,
I am new here. I just brought edddie and the cruisers on DVD. I had already seen it 100 times on video, but quality goes after a while. Anyway, it has just reminded me how HOT Michael Pare is and i can't believe he ended up doing b grade schlock after the success of those movies. I love the 2nd one even more because you get to see more of him and it's full of music. I love how eddie teaches the others how to FEEL the music, something a lot of todays artists should take note of. Anyway, I have rambled on enough.

all slay, all play, all the time


Hi there, I am new to this site too. When I saw your message about HOT Pare.
You are correct, he is very HOT HOT HOT !! I saw him in person about 7 years
when he was in Toronto, Canada doing a TV series. He was in a KFC line up after me and I had placed my order in then waited, then he said his order (he had sunglasses on) but....oh my God...his VOICE when he ordered his meal...WOW. I KNEW that voice cuz I had a crush on him. He was so sweet and sexy in person that I knew who he was from the start.
I was soooo stunned to see him in the city. But it was the greatest day of my life !!!!! Have you met him or seen him live? I only wished I had a camera.


Wow, I wish I'd been in that KFC that day!

Did you talk to him?
