MovieChat Forums > Eddie and the Cruisers (1983) Discussion > Eddie and the Cruisers 3: Working Man Bl...

Eddie and the Cruisers 3: Working Man Blues

I saw this review for this movie somewhere ( ) but I cannot find it anywhere. I want to see how bad it is. I am a hige fan of the book and the movies (even though the second was lacking) so I just need to see this so I can say that i have.


I think its a fake because the movie is not even listed on Richard Grieco's filmography.


you are right! the movie is a fake as is the movie poster. check out this link...
& compare it to his image on the "Movie Poster"

whoever made up the review about a movie that does not exist, & made up a movie poster on his computer using an old picture of grieco has way too much time on their hands. ( sorry to say, mr. grieco would never be picked to play eddie anyways.)and mr gieco did not look like that in 2004.


That movie is apparently a fake, but I remember when Part II came out there was talk of a third film. In fact, I thought they were filming it at the same time to save money, much like they did with the second and third "Back to the Future." Does anyone know? Maybe they dropped the idea when Part II bombed.


I think the line "A Mark Linn-Baker Film" should've clued you in. I'm not too sure Cousin Larry has a production company, but, if he did perhaps Bronson Pinchot could play the Wordman.
