
Whats the story with Joanne, Eddie, and Frank. What happed when they kissed, I thought that she was Eddies girl, but then when he seen them he didn't do anything.

Chaos was what killed the dinosaurs, darling.


Eddie did respond... He embarrassed Frankie in front of all of his friends at the college where they were performing. I'm surprised that Eddie didn't beat him, though.


Yeah I understood about the embarrassing part, but I thought he would have done more. Like you said beat him up. Then when he said he was going to quit the band, I was suprised that Eddie actually wanted him to stay.

Chaos was what killed the dinosaurs, darling.


If you really listen to what Eddie says his music was everything. Even though he seen them kissing, and he told him he could quit if he wanted too, he told the "wordman", I need you, you make the music mean something, which was Eddie's point. He wanted music that was from the heart and soal.


You would think that Eddie would have lost his temper, but I guess he decided to use brains over brawn. He and the rest of the band were embarassed on the college campus where they saw a whole different lifestyle. They felt out of place and to some extent were. He knew that Wordman was dying to show off for his his old alma mater and by snubbing him during the intros, he got back at him in a fashion more befitting of the upper middle class. I also think he was smart enough to realize he's lost his girl. One more reason to drop out of sight. He did leave her behind.


You would think that Eddie would have lost his temper, but I guess he decided to use brains over brawn.

I agree, I think Eddie's solution was brilliant and unexpected. He wanted Wordman to feel the same disappointment he [Eddie] felt at losing his girl. So Eddie took Wordman's greatest hopes (of impressing his old pals) and crushed it right on stage. His revenge was far more calculated and effective than just brute violence. It proved that, despite his tough exterior, Eddie was a true poet.


I agree with what everyone is saying he couldn't beat him up & throw him out he needed him so he embarrassed him & took away his chance to be the big man at his old school.

But Eddie not only snubbed him & got revenge with Toby Tyler he also layed it on to his girl & Wordman buy really acting the part, what i mean is at all the other shows they did he just sang stayed with the band and didn't interact that much but at that show he let it out on stage and made the students love him,(he not only denied Wordman's moment, Eddie took it, and he lived it up to fullest in front of him) he even rolled on the front of the stage to let the girls paw at him to rub it in to Joanne too, that he was still in control.

It's multi-textured revenge in my opinion
