JC and the Beaver Brown Band.

Okay, so I just got home from a free summer concert on the Hatch Shell in Boston. John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band played, followed by Eddie Money. Both sounded great.Even my 13 year old son had a good time.

So I started thinking of Eddie and the Cruisers, which was my favorite movie back in High school. I just added it to my Netflix list, and I am pleasantly surprised to see that people on here are still talking about this movie.

I cant wait to watch it again. I had almost forgotten all about this movie, and am so excited to relive my Eddie and the Cruisers addiction and reaffirm my love for Michael Pare.

You're killin me, Smalls


That's cool that you got to see them perform. Im a little younger than you but I love the movie just the same. I first saw it when I was around 9 or 10...32 now.


The thing I like best about John Cafferty and Beaver Brown is that they wrote and performed all their own tunes! I would not mind seeing them live!

"The best waiters in restaraunts are the customers..."


Some song writers shouldn't perform but john cafferty can sing...so yeah its cool he did both. Wish he had a new album out.
