Entertaining little movie, but there's one thing that's always bugged me about it.....if Eddie Wilson is such a genius and visionary ala Dylan, Springsteen or whaever, then how come THEY DID'NT HAVE THE CHARACTER WRITE HIS OWN LYRICS???? What's his genius supposed to be if he didn't even create the lyrics to these (cough cough) songs of a generation and voice of 60s rebellion? I dunno about you guys, but that's a pretty major mistake in my book. Even worse, the guy who actually wrote the words gets about as much credit as the ghostwriter who "helps" the latest top 40 Poptart "write"her own stuff. Just doesn't make any sense to me.


possibly the dumbest complaint of all time. Bernie Taupin writes ALL of Elton John's lyrics, and Elvis didnt write his either. Go tell them they aren't 'musical geniuses' or the 'songs of a generation'.


I think Eddie comes off as a total diva. I mean, come on. They recorded one album with typical pop music lyrics and had one hit song that he didn't even write the lyrics for, then he gets his panties in a bunch because the label won't foot the bill for his newfound artsy fartsy stuff. I totally sympathize with the record company.


as noted in other threads Eddie is an amalgam of many famous rock stars: the style of music and make up of his band is Springsteen (who was one of the 3 biggest rock stars in the world around the time this came out...even before Born In the USA he was huge...); the Rimbaud references and "is he alive?" mystery are purely Jim Morrison; but the fact that he was tortured over his music not being understood, and his later reclusiveness, are ALL Brian Wilson, and as is well known, at least when he was creating his mid-to-late-60s masterpieces such as Pet Sounds and, especially, SmiLE, his lyrics were writen by Van Dyke Parks, in a collaboration of two "geniuses". (I may be wrong about Pet Sounds, but I know for a fact SMiLE was created in this exact way) it's not a stretch to think that Eddie's lyrics would be written by someone else in this story...


Take for example the song "On The Darkside" we know Frank wrote the music and lyrics to it because there is the scene with the band on the roof and he is showing it to them, but look at what the song was when Frank wrote it to what it became after Eddie got his hands on it and rearranged it. There's your genius.


Lyrics are overrated... Writing a melody requires far more talent than coming up with lyrics. People who are tone deaf however are drawn to lyrics, not melody.
