Michael Paré

Michael Paré is almost as bad an actor as Keanu Reeves, but I think he did an excellent job of lip-syncing in this movie. Of course, it probably took a lot of takes and multiple camera angles to make it look good. Also, having John Cafferty's voice used, fit the look of Michael Paré. Some singers' voices don't match the actors'... like Mark Campbell doing Johhny B. Goode for Michael J. Fox in "Back To The Future".


I went to YouTube and watched the John Cafferty video of Dark Side, and I'm like, who's this clown lip synching to Michael Paré?

Paré fits the voice better than Cafferty does!

Keanu Reeves LOL. At least Michael Paré sticks to his 1 role (big, dumb greaser with an attitude problem) which he does really well, whereas Keanu Reeves keeps trying to do Shakespeare and such. If Keanu would just stick to Bill & Ted, there'd be no problem (I'm serious, he was Oscar material in that).


i recently saw michael pare in a fairly new movie, tunnel rats.


Micheal Pare' is hot!He stole my heart.
Does anyone know what he's been up to lately?



micheal is in "rampage" on netflix.


As of 2011, Michael Pare is still looking darned good! He has aged quite well. "Aged to Perfection" you might say. Yes, a bit of a crush....STILL!


Yeah..too bad he never became the big star they expected..

And all you guys should leave Keanu Reeves alone...he's the nicest guy in Hollywood. And almost ageless.


i thought he did quite well both in acting and the lip syncing. i too wish his career had gone further

"Oh Penny, it's as if the Cheesecake Factory is run by witches"
