MovieChat Forums > Eddie and the Cruisers (1983) Discussion > Helen Schneider is a Heartbreaker!

Helen Schneider is a Heartbreaker!

I've always had a soft spot for East coast, black haired, blue collar, gum popping Italian women, but I could leave my wife for Helen Schneider (if I had one). I especially loved her in the bar scene with Beringer at the piano. Eyes you could get lost in, lips you could drown in. Overall, a lethal combination of vulnerability and knowing sexuality. Why didn't she become a star?

"It takes a big man to cry. It takes a bigger man to laugh at that man".


~ Hhmmm!. I wonder where is she & what she dcoes?



She's spent the majority fo her career in Germany. Just go to for all her info.


Heartbreaker, indeed!

She just oozed sex appeal throughout the movie.

I liked the way she and Sal would vamp it up onstage (something that I think a band would do in real life to titillate an audience). It seems to imply that Eddie trusted Sal, or at least didn't view him as a threat.

The best, though (and this seemed subtle to me) was the scene in which Frank & Joann meet Frank's old buddy, with girlfriend (Louise, or something) in tow. Frank's buddy holds on to Joann's hand far too long, while his girlfriend steams, quietly. Makes me want to see how that plays in the book, if I ever find it.

But in reading the book, I don't think I could have imagined a more appealing Joann Carlino.

My, my...

"Don't ask me to kill your dragon."


It occurs to me now that I used to find her attractive in the flashbacks, and, while that's still true, I've really come to appreciate the more mature Joann towards the end of the movie.

Actually, I think Eddie and Wendell are the only ones they didn't have to make "younger" for the flashback scenes--everyone else played the older versions of themselves in "real" face.

"Hello, Rorschach. How are you today?"
"In prison. Yourself?"
--The Watchmen


In 2007 Helen Schneider returned to the recording business. She recorded three cd's with Edel Music. For "Dream a Little Dream" she received a golden CD award in jazz.
