Why Michael Pare?

I think Michael Pare as Eddie Wilson was a great choice, but what do you think it is about the actor that appealed to the director? What was it about the actor that fit the character of Eddie Wilson?


I think I found out the answer to my previous question. Michael Pare had to have been picked for the Eddie Wilson role because of his rebellious looks and his voice. The way Pare talks sounds as though he would sing like John Cafferty, and he has the tall, dark and handsome stature for a rebellious character.


he was prolly seen on tv in Greatest American Hero and the director/casting agents thought "hey, he looks just right to play Eddie"

I am the ray of darkness in your otherwise sunny day...


Michael Pare had to have been picked for the Eddie Wilson role because of his rebellious looks and his voice.

i totally agree. plus he is smolderingly HOT

"Oh Penny, it's as if the Cheesecake Factory is run by witches"


the easiest answer would be...because he's FREAKING MICHAEL PARE!!! What director wouldnt want to cast him?!?!?

"Hot Cocoa won't help, Mom!"-Charlie~FRIGHT NIGHT


He played the part well. It's a shame his career never took off.


What happened to his career?


Bad choices and bad luck it seems.


Why not?


Michael Paré got the part because of his looks. And he lip sang very well
