MovieChat Forums > Eddie Murphy: Delirious (1983) Discussion > What the lady says - the official thread...

What the lady says - the official thread (game)

Ok folks, I'm only calling this the "official" thread so we can finally get some closure on this hilarious scene in Delirious.

We know the guy answers "Shut up, bitch!" and we know Eddie makes light of the situation by responding with the ventriloquist remark. That much we can agree on.

Below are most (if not all) the possible things that the woman yelled. I've culled this from the different threads on this board as well as other places on the 'net. I'm setting it up as a "game" thread only so people can vote on what they think is said. Add 1 to the number of the quote you think it is. If you think it is something else entirely than add a line, followed by your vote for that line you added. Please do not subtract votes unless you are changing your original vote. Feel free to comment on why you think it's that particular line.

If you need to hear it again, the clip is posted on YouTube: It is near the end of the clip at the 7:00 mark.

I'll go first.

You'd better strip off. 0
Take the suit off. 0
Take off your clothes. 0
Do it in your drawers. 0
Go back to your row. 0
Who does your bra? 0
Take it off. 0
Do Mr. Robinson. 1
Do Mr. Rogers. 0
Do Gumby. 0
Do Velvet Jones. 0

Comment: After listening multiple times, it really sounds like she's saying "Do Mister" for the first 3 syllables. The last syllable has an "ah" sound so the closest would be Robinson or Rogers. Given the time period and the skit he did on SNL, I'd have to say Do Mr. Robinson. ...and yes, I have no life. :)


Option # 11:

"You take it off!"


She says "TAKE THAT SUIT OFF!" I played it as high as the volume would go so I could hear her. Plain as day. Eddie complains about how hot he is in the suit and she yells out 'TAKE THAT SUIT OFF'.

Game over.


I always thought she said: "Take that $#!t off!"


i can't believe this is even a debate. its well known she says "Do Mr. Robinson" then the guy yells "shut up bitch"


I always figured she said something like "you missed [something]", so it being "Do Mister [something]" makes the most sense to me.

"My name is Paikea Apirana, and I come from a long line of chiefs stretching all the way back to the Whale Rider."


I think it's, "Dude, take it off". The subtitles on the DVD say "Take it off" so it can't be well known that she says, "Do Mr. Robinson" though it could be possible. I surprised nobody actually knows. I mean there were people there.

"Screw you guys, I'm going home!"


ill leave it to the guys at who made the DVD subtitles to be the correct answer...altho b4 i read them i heard "TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF" or something close to it, been a while...but Take It Off is pretty good...and i dont see why "DO MR. ROBINSON" would be it...

i think i few of you should get some hearing aids or at least try useing a Q-tip once every decade and come up with something along the lines of taking his shirt off...

god damn your retarded.


She yells "Dude, take it off". I played the scene a few times with the volume turned up, and that's what it sounded like to me. Then I watched it again with the subtitles, and they agreed with me. Plus, people also yell "take it off" earlier in the show when Eddie comments on how hot it is on stage.

Pray for daylight...


I heard some said that she yells "do Betsy Ross"..
