Annoying lough track

Was it really necessary for this movie? In the 80's lough track was a norm but now it is really outdated and distracting. Just my two cents :)


It's spelled "LAUGH" (I can't believe you misspelled it twice), and there was no 'laugh track'. It was a performance in front of a live audience and would have been impossible to edit out the laughter.


Oh yeah audience, what's next you are going to say Big Bang theory is filmed in front of living audience. Also your comments about my language disability were quite heart breakage for me as I am not of the Anglo-saxon origin. Oh and by the way "lough" is actually acceptable spelling in some regions (or prospektus) in Europe.

EDIT: check mate - I read in some website today that actually delirious was filmed in front of a recorded audience and all the people we see are extras. Facts and grammar are two things you can never be sure about, Billy :)



Of course they were active (clapping and cheering) because they get paid to do that (being extras). I believe there were two different groups of extras on delirious - one group that provided their presence in the theater and another group that provided (and quite brilliantly) their voices (laughs\loughs). I'm quite sure about the truthfulness of my facts :)



I have proof as I said I read about it somewhere on the internets, on some legitimate web service domain. Anyways arguing here is quite with an absent point, as far as I know we can both be right (I highly doubt it though).


Yeah the audience stands and cheers and claps when it's fake. (eyeroll) You seem to be mistaken so stop continuing without proof or a reliable website link.

Enter my contest! I need help for a new signature! Maybe I'll choose yours and you'll win a cash prize!


It is not like it hasn't happened before ("Frankie Boyle: Live" anyone?). The argument of proof goes both ways you know, you haven't revealed any sources that disprove my point too :)

P.S. I want to enter your signature contest! I have some good ones.


I just watched it last night. You mean to tell me they were all hired and paid to provide fake laughs and cheers and applause? Not a chance. Who would pay for such a thing? And besides it would have been public knowledge that the audience was paid to provide positive approval. Unless they all signed a confidentiality agreement and were paid for their silence too. Give me a break.

Enter my contest! I need help for a new signature! Maybe I'll choose yours and you'll win a cash prize!


The LAUGH track was super annoying. It was too loud, and too often.


I love the double bonus of saying ..You are a complete moron with no sense of humor and are now on my "ignore" list ...never again will your stupid voice bother me again ...ahhhhhh...
