Gold Chains

What's up with all the gold chains that the guys are wearing? I mean not just this movie but people from NYC, Philly, NJ etc. Is it an Italian thing? I'm not trying to make fun of Italian-Americans nor any other group but rather I am curious.


Oddly enough, I've been doing it since I was a teen (Italian from Jersey), and Im not sure even why I started... My Dad does it, and so does my uncle. My grandpa did too. Seems to me anyone in my family with Italian, Hungarian, or Polish in them anywhere, wears the gold chain.


I mean not just this movie but people from NYC, Philly, NJ etc. Is it an Italian thing?

The short answer is yes, yes, yes, and yes.



i don't know about other parts of the united states, but if you're an italian-american in the northeast you definitely wear a gold chain with one or more of the following ornaments:

a cross
italian horn
malocchio - "evil eye" which is a fist with the index and pinky finger extended.

"everything i say, by definition, is a promise." CARMINE SABATINI -(The Freshman)


I would say it is more of a Catholic thing as many Irish, Polish, Italian, Greek, etc Catholics wear generally smaller gold or sometimes silver necklaces with a religious symbol like a cross or Mary. It is more popular on the east coast but it is done all over. Big gawdy bling expensive necklaces are more ghetto and are about showing off then for religious reasons.


I'm halfItalian from NYC and I never wear gold chains, crucifixes, etc.
