Banned in Iceland??

Wow. This movie had some gory killings but they weren't THAT gory. Wonder who decides over there what movies should be banned?


Icelandic censorship i guess, it was probably banned in Sweden, Norway and Finland also, i live in Scandinavia(in Sweden) and during the 80's the most movies that had violence was banned in the most Scandinavian countries, especially Sweden, Norway and Iceland. And if a violent movie wasnt banned it was very cut, like the Swedish old VHS version of Friday the 13th was very cut, they had cut out exactly ALL scenes with violence, and yes i really mean EVERY frame of violence, so the old Swedish VHS of Friday the 13th had no violence at all on screen. But nowadays its not like that anylonger, now everything is uncut, and the new Swedish DVD of Friday the 13th is uncut.
