The dogs had fun!

That's really funny! The one dog was wagging its' tail bfore it attacked the guy who was dumping garbage in a pile.

I'm thinking,"this dog has rabies and is going to attack. Why is it wagging its' tail?"


Actually in the book, King made of point of saying that Cujo was wagging his tail happily while attacking.


Aggressive dogs often wag their tails. It's not always a sign of being "happy", it's also a sign of dominance, depending on how the tail is held.

Oder: Wie ich aufhören, sich Sorgen und Liebe die Bombe gelernt!


Theres a scene where his tail is wagging happily(dunring a vicious attack) and you can see the string used to tie it to his leg.

"Lemme at 'em! I'll splat 'em!"


It's a common misconception that a wagging tail automatically means the dog is happy and having fun. It just means they're excited or riled up, doesn't necessarily have to be in a positive way.

Former username Kawada_Shogo


That's true,but according to amc the dogs were really enjoying themselves.

I love Bob


It's true a wagging tail doesn't always mean they are happy but, it did in this case. LOL &

