What, no DVD?

Why no DVD for this movie? I loved this gem and haven't seen it in over ten years. Come on, already...


This movie was one of my favorite movies as a kid, for so many scenes that inexplicably I can still recite even though I haven't seen it in so loooooong. Braised beef, broiled, beef tornadoes, tornadoes of beef.... blue cheese,green cheese, thousand isle, hundred island, three miloe island... absolutely classic Jerry in a newer light. Please put this out, show me a petitionj, i'LL SIGN OVER AND OVER!!!!


I'll sign it too !"The horse in the the woods" with a french accent , I rememember this movie and laugh everytime I hear a frenchman speaking in English!


" Zi horse is in zi woods"





This film has finally been released as a "burned on demand" DVD-R title from Warner Home Archive. Alas, no shipping outside of America, but at least is out officially on DVD.

1,000 mini-bios and I feel like I'm just getting started


Yes it is on dvd....:).. I saw it in a Collectors Choice dvd catalog for under 30 dollars!
