Ending? **Spoilers**

I quite enjoyed this film, but the ending on my DVD was so dark, I couldn't see what was going on.

Now, I could see Leo Smith hanging up his gear in O'Connor's wardrobe, and putting the knife in his hand, telling him that HE was the copkiller.
Lenore was on the way back to the apartment with the police.

How does Leo Smith escape, and what happen's to O'Connor?

I thought the film was pretty good, well worth the $3 for the DVD, it's just a shame about the image quality.

Thanks in advance for any info.


Spoiler Ahead!
Leo Smith doesn't escape. he just leads the cops & Lenore to where O'Connor is standing by the windows, having already slashed his own throat. As O'Connor falls to the floor, clutching his wound, Lenore looks at Smith suspiciously (as if she's thinking maybe Smith was lying to her). Smith turns towards the window, and the next shot shows the reflection of his face in the window, kind of superimposed over the nighttime cityscape (great shot, this!). credits start rolling over this last shot. i think it is safe to assume that O'Connor dies, and Smith walks away free (having already planted evidence on O'Connor).

George Stevens: "Give it more awe, John."
John Wayne: "Aw, truly he wuz the Son of God."


Many thanks for that, ajji-2. I appreciate it.


George Stevens: "Give it more awe, John."
John Wayne: "Aw, truly he wuz the Son of God."
