Roger Daltrey

Well done, Roger Daltrey, very sparkling and witty indeed!

I know it's 25 years too late to say this, but you really should "do Shakespeare" more often.


I haven't seen this since it first aired way back when, but as I recall, Daltrey was excellent in his dual role as the two Dromios.

This entire Shakespeare series was good (with the notable exception of Titus Andronicus, which was done sort of "artsy" and suffered for it), but The Comedy of Errors, Shakespeare's first comedy and perhaps a bit weak and derivative, as first efforts are wont to be, was especially memorable.

The Haunted Man, by Dori Davis: Sometimes it's the living who torment the dead


He should have done the parts wearing just a loincloth. Now THAT would have been riveting!
