Everyone was right?

1) His teacher told Ralphie he would shoot his eye out.
2) Ralphie's mom told him he would shoot his eye out.
3) The department store Santa told Ralphie that he would shoot his eye out.

These people come to mind, I don't know who else told him this.

At the end of the movie, Ralphie does almost shoot his eye out. The BB pellet ricocheted and hit his glasses. He almost did. So, wasn't everyone right??

What's the moral of the story then? The truth is more obvious than we think? We've already heard the truth and we simply won't believe it? We can't accept the real answer?


Jean Sheppard was a humorist and wrote many funny stories. While many are based on things that actually happened as a child, he uses outrageous statements and exaggerates situations to great effect. He's a great read. You can buy his short stories on line.

The whole "you'll shoot your eye out" is not about a moral, it's about a joke that runs through the whole movie. It wasn't just his mom that used the "classis BB gun block", it was his teacher. Later on, the Big Man himself told him the same thing. Three laughs out of one joke.

If all that wasn't enough, he actually does come close to hitting his eye (although I don't think a BB from a Red Ryder would actually ricochet of a mild steel background and make it all the way to Ralphie with enough velocity on it to do any kind of harm. That's four laughs from the same joke.

So no, no moral.


I think I will read his book, for another POV of this. A film translates differently than a book translates. Thank you.

Huh? Why can't jokes have a moral/lesson/platitude to them? I think there is one. Sometimes the obvious answer is right in front of us, and we cannot accept it. I think that was Ralphie's case. I'm not saying he shouldn't have gotten the Red Ryder gun as a gift, but every one was correct in a certain sense. It was a dangerous toy.

Further, I want to re-watch this film while focusing on the father. The father seemed to be causing all the trouble in this film. Wasn't he responsible for two controversial Christmas gifts? Both the leg lamp and the Red Ryder gun? The father is sketchy. When I watched this as a kid, I was freaked out when he went into the furnace to fight it or whatever. What a character.


Not so much a book as a collection of short stories that were originally printed in magazines. They're fun to read, and you'd be surprised how much of his actual writings are directly translated to the script.

Why can't jokes have a moral/lesson/platitude to them? I think there is one.

They could have lessons to them, sure. I was a fan of Jean Sheppard's writings before this film came out, and my instinct is that he was a humorist first - any morality plays that might result would be pure happenstance in my opinion.

The father seemed to be causing all the trouble in this film. Wasn't he responsible for two controversial Christmas gifts? Both the leg lamp and the Red Ryder gun? The father is sketchy. When I watched this as a kid, I was freaked out when he went into the furnace to fight it or whatever. What a character.

LOL, yeah, the old man was a sketch. He wasn't *directly* responsible for the lamp though. The lamp was a "major" award he won for winning a newspaper trivia puzzle contest. In one of his stories, Sheppard was more detailed about the contest. Of course, like all his writings, Sheppard clearly exaggerates this, but his genius is that he doesn't go into the absurd. There's that fine line that mustn't be crossed when telling a story, and Sheppard was a master at riding the line between reality and absurdity. I mean, it *could* have happened the way he tells the story, but I honestly doubt it.

Take Santa for instance. Was he really as intimidating as we see on screen or could it be the interpretation of a young boy being overwhelmed by meeting the big guy in person?

BB guns are not dangerous as long as one doesn't intentionally shoot it at someone. It's not more dangerous than a thrown baseball or a sling-shot, and *far* less dangerous a toy than a bicycle is. Look up the stats for both non-fatal bicycle injuries and deaths for those 14 and under. Might surprise you.


There is no moral. It's a running joke, for humor and entertainment. The movie is not meant to educate us.


I think jokes, humor, entertainment, etc. can be educational/moralist. Why not? The world is always speaking.




Radical Leftist© Jean Shepherd was trying to show us that white people (especially young white males) are too stupid to own guns because they will just end up shooting their eyes out. Generations of snowflakes watched this movie and were turned off from buying guns due to Radical Leftist© Jean Shepherd pushing a Radical Leftist© agenda.

Radical Leftist© Jean Shepherd also showed The Old Man whimpering out a high pitched "thanks a lot!" after the Mother dropped the bowling ball on his nuts on Christmas morning. This is a Radical Leftist© agenda of the normalization of the feminization of men. The Mother had him by the balls and was demasculinizing him right before our eyes. She wouldn't even let The Old Man give Ralphie a sip of wine and the old snowflake listened to her.

This movie is chock full of Radical Leftist© propaganda and this filth must not be allowed to poison our children's minds. I want my kids watching a good wholesome traditional family values movie on Christmas. THEY DIDN'T EVEN GO TO CHURCH!!!!!! The Old Man Snowflake was probably a Radical Leftist© Atheistic Commie. He always wanted to get rich quick off his silly puzzles. Waste of life.


Blah, politics. No one wins at politics. I keep telling people this: politics is only something you participate in - not something you win or lose at.

Re: Ralphie's mom. Sometimes, wives/mothers do call the shots. Ralphie's mom did successfully get rid of the leg lamp! I can't blame her though. If I was her, I'd probably also destroy that lamp.



Originally posted by motorcycledriveb:

Blah, politics. No one wins at politics. I keep telling people this: politics is only something you participate in - not something you win or lose at.

Re: Ralphie's mom. Sometimes, wives/mothers do call the shots. Ralphie's mom did successfully get rid of the leg lamp! I can't blame her though. If I was her, I'd probably also destroy that lamp.

That's because you're a sensitive snowflake who can't handle something as simple as a leg lamp. It's not even a real woman attached to the leg and you're triggered out of control! What if it was a picture of an actual naked woman??!!? You sound like an insane Radical Muslim© on Radical Leftist© steroids.





Originally posted by FreshHat:

You forgot that Radical Leftist© Jean Shepherd had Flick stick his tongue to a pole, pushing not only the gay agenda but also the pedophilia agenda.

LOL and he also had the mother destroy the leg lamp, which pushed the Radical Feminist© agenda. A woman who laughed at and destroyed a prized possession of The Old Man, further pushing him towards the brink of full on feminization. When they chopped off the duck's head at the Chinese restaurant, that was symbolic of The Old Man's dick getting chopped off by his Radical Feminist© wife. He couldn't even pick up the knife and cut the duck's head off himself. The Old Man was certainly falling apart before our very eyes.

And don't even get me started on how terrified The Old Man was of his Radical Feminist© wife finding out he's stealing pieces of turkey.


Congrats, MinorityRules, you win this year’s troll award on our board.


Shooting one's own eye out is a rite of passage for a young man. To rob him of the experience is to rob him of a fulfilled life.


Yeah I think it was dumb to shoot the bibi into that target cause of course it would bounce off it. It's not a sharp object that would tear through the target.


If there is a moral to the story, it’s that life is full of risks you take in order to live fully. Yes, Ralphie almost shot his eye out, but he survived and enjoyed the hell out of the BB gun, so it was worth it.


Never seen it.

