In the end of this film the girl has sex with an old man an kills him (with sex), unintentionally, but still a very "body of evidence" thing.
Can you film buffs tell me other films where something like this happens?.

"Everything in this room is eatable, even me, but that, dear children, is called Canibalism and it's baldy seen in most societies". Willie wonka


The film "Whore" starring Theresa Russell as a, um, whore has a scene where an older guy has a heart attack in the midst of being "serviced."

Crom laughs at your Four Winds!



Check out "Flower and Snake" (Hana to Hebi)

There's a scene where the lead uses her sexual prowess as a murder weapon.


Anna Nicole Smith and J. Howard Marshall :)


Well, the original that this film was based on, Kon Ichikawa's "Odd Obsession," which involves a slight twist on the ending.

(Actually, both films are based on the novel "The Key.")


Looking for Mr Goodbar, but that is a violent death to say the least.


I hadn't seen the entire movie. Because you didn't put a spoiler alert I no longer have to. Thank you.

I'm just giving you guff but most would appriciate the spoiler alert if you're going to reveal anything like the ending to the movie.

Frank Finley rules.
