Porn surprise!

If you have the video of this movie, be very careful if you let the video run past the closing credits- many copies of the movie were recorded over porn movies before they were distributed. I am a teacher and had showed the same movie for 14 years before I got that surprise--fortunately no kids saw what I saw!


mine doesn't have this thank God


It's good you caught it before the kids saw it, but it's definately a funny story. Mine (as far as I know) is clean.


OMG!!!!! I didn't know that! what made them do that rather than using brand new videos???


We had that happen with a copy of It's A Wonderful Life - luckily we'd sent the kids to bed after the movie ended and didn't see it until afterwards!

Yep, looking for DVD!


I have both versions and want to check it out before I let my little cousins see it. They love watching pass the credits to see if theres anymore of the film left.

University of Texas is my future school :) <-- I'm gonna make it happen!
