MovieChat Forums > American Nightmare (1983) Discussion > OK! We have Ghostkeeper! Now I just need...

OK! We have Ghostkeeper! Now I just need this!!

I'm really hoping they give a release date soon. This is one of my favorite Canadian slasher/giallos. If we could get this one and then maybe Curtains that would be so awesome! I seriously cannot wait for this one to be released! The only versions I can find are super dark, I love seeing the new transfers like Humongous and Ghostkeeper. It's like watching the movie for the first time again because you can finally SEE whats happening!


Scorpion is set to release it on DVD sometime this year and Curtains is already available on DVD.


American Nightmare is now available.

But you can't really say Curtains is available since it's a VHS rip. So still waiting on that one.

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Just Purchased it from Amazon. Looking at it now. it is a 4:3 cut. decent vhs style transfer


It's a tape master, so certainly stronger than VHS. This can be counted as a definitive release for sure.

I review horror films at:
900 with pics!


