Poor Chris Penn

I was watching this on t.v. (again) this afternoon, and it occured to me that poor Chris Penn was usually spotlighted in movies (at least in Footloose and All the right moves) about his inability to dance. In both movies, there were scenes of friends trying to teach him to dance. He looks uncomfortable in both movies.

I always liked him as an actor, I hope he's learnt how to dance now, so no more goofy scenes.


Poor Chris is right.



yea, i thought this thread was about his passing.. you're worrying about him having to dance??


Look at the date of the posting- she posted it before Chris Penn died- give her a break...


I meant no disrespect, I did post it two days before he died. His passing was a terrible surprise and I do respect him as an actor. I had just watched "all the right moves" and "footloose" again last week, and noticed the two similarities. Perhaps it was in poor taste on my part, to have posted a message about his dancing, for all I know, he could have been a splendid dancer. It was definately in bad timing and for that I'm chagrined.

His family has my sympathy, I can only wish that his death has comes to some good in someone's else life, should the scrutiny of Mr. Penn's life (in his latter years) that naturally comes after his passing, bring to light any resemblences to their own life, and maybe they'll be able to get help for their problems before it's too late. OK, so this paragraph was worded awkwardly, I realize.

I'm sure he was a good son, brother, uncle. He was a good actor and he will be missed.


His passing is very sad to me-I always liked him in any role he played. I read tonight that critics thought he was underrated...I agree.


I wouldn't go so far as to say that Chris Penn played every role well-- his brief moments in Starsky and Hutch, for instance, were embarassing to watch-- but he had his moments. He was never going to be the actor that his brother became, but he obviously wasn't delusional about his abilities. To his credit, he pulled off his best performances while acting the most difficult roles, namely Nice Guy Eddie Cabot (Reservoir Dogs) and Brian Reilly (All the Right Moves).


He was an excellent actor who will be sadly missed. I hope he's up there dancing and having a great time.


I think Chris was well aware of his limitations and therefore enjoyed every role he could play. He has had some memorable performances next to some very established actors and actresses and has created a fine resume doing it. And that is way more than you can say of most wannabe's. In my opinion he has had the time of his life in acting which he probably didn't expect to have and therefore I wish him all the best in that great movie theatre in the sky!

We'll miss you Chris!



I won't argue with your first point because he admitted having had a cocaine addiction; however how do you know how he treated women, do you have proof. Everything I have ever read about him says he was a really nice, fun, lovable person.


Was he really a bad dancer or was it acting?
