dr claw

was dr claw ever revealed in the cartoon?, i never saw the action figure or the super nintendo game, can someone provide a link where i can see the action figures face and the super nintendos version too?

this is still a big mystery to me after 20 years, why dont they reveal him in a new movie?


for both the figure and game version:

personally i never pictured dr. claw to look like this at all.


THAT'S Dr. Claw?!!

I agree with the guy who runs that website- I always pictured Dr. Claw with some kind of mask.


I got to the website, scrolled down right to the point where his face was revealed... and left the site without looking at it. I don't *want* to know what Dr. Claw's face looks like. Knowing would ruin the character.


Yeah ... in fact, I would SWEAR that we saw him in a mask in one episode ....

Hmmm ... but yeah, to any Gadget softies, do NOT check out his face. Big disappointment.



WTF!? He's an old man!! I expected him younger


I always pictured him being kinda like Darth Vader and needing the mask to breathe. I pictured him wearing the MAD symbol mask and that's why his voice was so deep and echoey and if would've taken it off, he would've sounded like an old man. But if he'd left it off for too long, he would've died. Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
If we didn't need computers to use the Internet, they'd make great doorstops.


I always pictured him having the face of a cat... either that or some sort of disfuguration.

I didn't go to that site; I don't want to know what he is "supposed" to look like. Just like they never showed Snake-eyes' face in GI Joe, or Orko's face in He-Man (even though he did "show" his face to that female Orko once).
Some things are better left to the imagination.


I guess making villians as mysterious as possible was popular with those kind of series. I agree with those who mentioned about him wearing a mask, maybe something like a crossover of Darth Vader from Star Wars and Dr. Doom from Fantastic Four.

But now that I've seen what he really looks like in the toyline-guess that proves how looks really can be decieving.

The Tick: The night is young and we have umbrellas in our drinks.


I always pictured Dr. Claw as someone who had been involved in some sort of horrific accident and literally had to have parts of his body artificially rebuilt. So I imagine his face as looking like that of a cyborg...maybe human on one side and robotic on the other. And maybe those aren't metallic gloves he's wearing, but actual metallic hands. His voice might also have been changed as a lasting effect of the accident (I can't picture a normal person sounding like Claw).


I always pictured a bigger person with green skin, for some reason. Not that he was an alien, but he was in some type of accident that caused him to have green skin. Instead he's just your average, run-of-the-mill mad scientist.
He does have rockin' hair, though.


