Scene From An Episode

I don't know if anyone remembers this episode, but there's a scene where Gadget is carving a chicken or a turkey for dinner at someone's house. First, he sharpens the knife and then, when the knife makes contact with the chicken, he gets shocked or electrocuted and goes like "WOWSERS!"

Does anyone remember that?



Thanks. Was it a chicken or a turkey Gadget carved into, by the way?



So those women Dr. Claw sent to kill Gadget were over 80?



But of course, those ladies failed, right?



You people think about this too much :) It's a childrens cartoon. One that I rather enjoyed, back in the day.

For some reason, the episode with all the snakes is one that sticks in my mind the most. Although, even then I can barely remember it - it's been a long time.



Why did an administrator delete some of these posts?


For gratuitous abuse of the elderly :)


this is quite strange. from what has been deleted from this article, i can't make out anything. are we talking about inspector gadget, turkey carving or... something about old ladies???

can someone make this a bit clearer, hopefully without being deleted. or is it one of those things you can't censor *wink*


All 3. There was an episode of "Inspector Gadget" where Dr. Claw hired professonal female killers to kill Gadget. They were over 80.
