i have a little question

i was wondering out of the people who message on this inspector gadget board how many are 18 and over and still love to watch this show!!!!!!!!!!!
and can't wait 'till it comes out on dvd april 25th 2006!!!


Second that.

25 - loved the show when I was younger... still love it now...


Guilty! I loved the show, still love it. Actually have been watching ebay for a while to try to get a galoob inspector gadget figure from like 1984 that I had as a kid. Plus.. I thought penny was hot. Keep in mind I was like 5 at the time, but still.... Love the show still to this day!!!!


I'm 26 years old I grew up watching it on Nickelodeon (back when Nickelodeon was good)and when I heard that it was coming out on DVD I couldn't wait to get it. I just wish Don Adams had lived long enough to do some of kind of interview for the DVD.


Yes I am 24 years old and I grew up watching this great show as well. I plan on going out and getting the DVD box set as well. I am still a child at heart what can I say!


I told one of my co-workers that I had bought Inspector Gadget on DVD and his response was, "Why?" My response: "It is one of the greatest cartoons from the 80s."


Ya i would watch this and Turkey Tv on Nickelodeon al the time. Voices were very talented and episodes always had a memorable villian and plot. Its great to see some of the good shows are coming to dvd like Darkwing duck, The Tick, Ducktales..etc
