MovieChat Forums > Inspector Gadget (1983) Discussion > So Gadget did have a mustache!

So Gadget did have a mustache!

I always had a brief memory that I had seen one episode where Gadget had a mustache, and I watched the first DVD episode, and there he was with one! I'm glad to know it wasn't some crazy dream I had and was actually real!


Yup, "Gadget in Winterland" was the only episode where Gadget had a mustache. MGM didn't like this, so they shaved Gadget for the rest of the series. Syndicated reruns of this episode were edited to explain why Gadget had a 'stache.


I'm glad he did shave it off, since it just doesn't look right on him.


I agree,I saw that episode on,he looks better without it,weird thing is that in that episode,Penny sounds kinda like a forest

I'm a 13 year old hormone-crazed teenager and I'm proud! lol
