Whoa,and again,Whoa

i was in wikipedia and ecided to check out what they have about inspector gadget. To my surprise,I realize that there are many spinoffs to this show,I see one,and my eyes shoot open and my jaw drops.
Go Go Gadgetini's
when I read about it,it sounded liek a cool show,Penny is 16 and it sounds funny,I've never seen it tho in my life,but what really shocks me,is that in this one,Gadget's got himself a little Gadget girlfriend,she also has gadget in her backpack that she uses,I mean yeah,he ended up gettign the girl in teh live action movies,but that's because he didn't seem like such as big of a klutz as he was in the cartoon,so just,whoa,cheak it out

I'm a 13 year old hormone-crazed teenager and I'm proud! lol


Hehe, yeah. its a pretty amazing series. they have a Go Go Gadgetini's section here at IMDB you know, why not check it out? post on the message board for it or somethin. but seriously tho i am such a fan of this show. Inspector Prince is so great and she and Gadget are just perfect together


Yeah,only I liv ein the USA,and i don't know where to find any episodes online,do you?

I'm a 13 year old hormone-crazed teenager and I'm proud! lol


Nah. you could always try youtube, but last time I knew they didn't have any.

so, what do you think to what you have heard then?


I think it sounds pretty cool,I mean,it seems nice that Gadget has a GF,someone who's just as goofy lol,I can kinda imagine how well they go together....

I'm a 13 year old hormone-crazed teenager and I'm proud! lol


Hehe yeh it is cute. the 4 gadgetini's go well together too. Scooter and Digit are just so funny when they fight.

say why not head over to the Go Go Gadgetini's section on here? We could talk better about it and I could help answer any questions you have or something.

