Epidode Help.

I don't know if it was from this series but here it goes.

It was about a guy who worked in a hotel that a room in it was haunted by the ghost of an army guy who cut his throat and I think killed his wife cause he caught her with someone else. And the guy that works at the hotel his friend plays a prank on him in the haunted room and at the end gets killed by the ghost.

I hope that helps the episode has always given me the chills. One key scene is when the ghost is talking to the guy in the hall and all you see is a darkened door way and the ghosts feet. That image still creeps me out.

Any help if possible would be great.


I don't think it is a Hitchhiker episode. I think it is from the short-lived Ghost Stories tv series. But I am not fully sure. So don't quote me on it.
