MovieChat Forums > The Hitchhiker (1983) Discussion > Questions about the DVDs

Questions about the DVDs

I'm a U.S. fan of the show and I noticed that how on the (Canadian?) imports are of the entire seasons as oppossed to the 3 volumes released in the states that only have a handful of episodes.

So how are the Canadian import DVDs anyway, I know theirs a few tech issues at some points with them, but since that was the case with other favorite shows of mine , I can work around that.

So are the import DVDs pretty good on average, do they contain any extras? and how many seasons are available? how do they compare with the 3 volume U.S. release?


According to somebody's comparison review the Canadian imports are not all they are cracked up to be. Sure you get complete seasons on the DVDs, but the picture is not very good. There is compression problems with a lot of artifacts in it, the DVD is in a sleeve instead of a snap-case, and the credits are all wrong on the DVD cover making it look unprofessional. Just not a good quality transfer. The Koch ones have no extras either.

The DVDs from HBO have decent transfers for an eighties show. It is extremely rare for the colors to blend bad and the sound is fine. They have little extras. The third volume DVD has no extras at all. But I do like having a pretty good picture and something that doesn't look like it was taken off a VHS like my Slegehammer DVD.

If you want a good comparison review between the two, go to the HBO's first volume page of the Hitchhiker at American Amazon web site. There is a person in the review section who gets pretty in-depth.


sounds like you me an every other U.S. fan should E-mail H.B.O. and tell them to release all 6 of the seasons of The Hitchhiker. If they got enough fan interest on it you'd assume they would consider it.


I just recently purchased all of the DVDs and I don't understand
the way that they were packaged?
I have 3 "season" sets and the 3 two disc volumes, and there
are still 2 episodes that are missing!
one is "Minuteman" and the other is "Doctor's Orders".
The set marked First Season is season 1 - 3.
There was no set marked Season Two that I could find
and the Third Season is actually Season 5 and again with
the set marked Season Four is actually Season 6.
The three 2 disc volumes are just compliations of 10 episodes
in each volume. These three volumes have all but 2 from
season four along with many others available in the season sets.
Is there an alternet episode listing in Canada?
As far as picture quality, the import season sets are passible,
I am just glad to have them at all, just wish it was complete!



The Canadian imports are arranged by the order they aired over there and not how they were aired In the US

As for the missing episodes and season,
The company whom is releasing the the Canadian set does not have the rights to those episodes.

