MovieChat Forums > The Hitchhiker (1983) Discussion > Is This a Hitchhiker Episode?

Is This a Hitchhiker Episode?

I had posted this question on a general board, hoping to find out what this scene is from. Someone said it might be a hitchhiker episode. I've scanned all the episodes here and on, and can't identify it as such. Does anyone remember this as a hitchhiker episode, or, for that matter, as being from anything else?


I’d like to know if anyone can help me identify a show or movie from the final scene, that I’ll describe as best as I can remember it. Hence the ‘spoiler’ note.

My confidence in any specific aspect of the scene is well below 100%, but I think the gist is right.

I think it was the very end of the show or movie that I caught when I turned the TV on.

It think that it might have been a short (i.e. 30 minute) made-for-cable sort of series (something like Red Shoes Diary or Tales From the Darkside), or perhaps a segment in one of those movies made up of 3 or 4 stories. Or I could be entirely wrong.

I think I saw it on TV in the early 80s; almost positive, on a premium movie channel. No sooner, possibly later. Pretty sure it predates Red Shoes Diary, for example.

The short scene that I remember:
A man was lying sort of half prone, dying from a gunshot wound, in what appeared to be a roadhouse café or restaurant or bar or something.
A woman walks out, turns out to be his wife or perhaps girlfriend…and she taunts him with one of those crowing, taunting expository speeches: “Ha Ha! It was me you fool, I set it all up. The police will believe that you’re a hero and died defending us from a gang of assailants. It’s the perfect crime and I’ll be free! Free! Free!” (OK, I’m paraphrasing wildly here, I really don’t remember what she words she used, but that was the message.)
Then another guy walks into the field of view. I could be wrong, but I think he is a man of African ancestry. The woman continues to taunt and says something along the lines of “Just one more piece of evidence to take care of”, and she and her accomplice start to get busy with the nasty. She does toss out one more taunt, telling her accomplice to do it good, which I took as having double meaning, making sure she had some signs of trauma on her, and, ahem, that they had a good time.

The plotline as described makes me wonder if it isn’t old enough to predate the routine use of forensic DNA analysis, as in, if you had that plot today, I’m sure someone would flag that aspect as a potential flaw in the planned perfect crime. On the other hand, I guess the whole thing was as unlikely as could be.

If anyone can help me name this, that would be 3 for 3, and time to give my old memory a rest; mind you, so far, I’m 0 for 2 at trying to source ‘found old titles’ on DVD…

Thanks in advance, most kind community.


no biggie, but wondering why this doesn't show up on the main page after I posted it...maybe this response will do it?
