Was Diane Lane in

any of the Hitchhiker episodes. I thought I remembered her in one, but not sure - anybody?



If you believe that IMDB is incapable of missing information or if you don't know that sometimes actors appear in productions but are uncredited - then it is YOU who are a MORON! I hope you are not really the "teacher" you profess to be as if you call your students morons because they ask a question, you should be stripped of your degree and offered a janitorial position.



If you believe that IMDB is incapable of missing information or if you don't know that sometimes actors appear in productions but are uncredited - then it is YOU who are a MORON! I hope you are not really the "teacher" you profess to be as if you call your students morons because they ask a question, you should be stripped of your degree and offered a janitorial position.

Psst ... He's not a real teacher. He's an ESL teacher. "Janitor" would be a promotion. See "The Fugitive" board for further details.


You are right Revised, and I do apologize to Janitors everywhere. They are definitely a step (or a few) above Jarth-2. No wonder he has nothing better to do with his time than to hunt around this board looking for people he can attempt to insult, which only makes him look more like the "Moron" that he really is.


I think his students are just others in his ward at the "facility."


I am sure he will have this last post deleted. He can dish it out. . .
