MovieChat Forums > The Hitchhiker (1983) Discussion > The Legendary Billy B ( possible spoiler...

The Legendary Billy B ( possible spoilers)

I saw this episode when it first came out around twenty years ago. I remember it was about a reporter fishing for stories about a legendary rocker who got shot in the head. I know she gets her comeupance, but I forgot how. Could someone provide a brief synopsis for me and really explain the ending, which is what I forgot. I will see the episode, but I really would like to know what happened. Thank you


Basically Billy B's son hooked her up to an IV or something similar with needles in her, I think to help keep Billy B alive until a cure could be found.

Sorry if thats not helpful but havent seen it myself in a while but I do know that was a GREAT episode.


Just a little more, as I just rented the DVD.

Billy B is actually Billy B's son who has kept his Dad "alive" w/ iv tubes w/ an unknown substance keeping him consious. Billy B's son and Watchman (I guess Billy B's friend/bodyguard) kills the photographer by snapping his neck and they juice up the reporter to similar iv's that put her in an almost catonic state in front of Billy B.

This was all done b/c Billy B's son and Watchman felt that Billy B gave his soul to rock and roll and rock and roll took it when it allowed him to be shot. However, they saved him and are waiting for his sould to return and they know it will.....someday.

~~Heather it's your turn. No, Heather it's Heather's turn. Heather???~~


This is probably one of the best and creepiest episodes of The Hitchhiker or of any horror anthology show ever!


I always enjoy Brad Dourif, and this episode was no exception- an appreciation: e.html


Kirstie Alley's ruthless and unscrupulous bitch of a tabloid newspaper reporter definitely got her just desserts at the creepy end of this particular episode. Moreover, Brad Dourif was simply terrific as Billy Baltimore's flipped-out long-haired hippie son Billy Jr.

1,000 mini-bios and I feel like I'm just getting started


This is one of the most memorable episodes which I just rented from Netflix and since I forgot how it ended I'm going to leave this thread now and watch it again. I shall return..

Miss The Old USA Network?
