MovieChat Forums > The Bill (1984) Discussion > Will anymore DVDs be released in the UK?

Will anymore DVDs be released in the UK?

I know we have recently had Series 4 (1988) Volume 1 released in the UK, but does anone know if the rest of Series 4 and subsequent series will be released in the foreseeable future? I believe in Australia, they have aleady had Series 4, 5 and part of Series 6 released in box sets. It just seems a little unfair that we in the UK, the home country of the Bill, have had surprisingly little by comparison.


i think all seasons should be released but the later seasons I think from season 5 have like more than 100 episodes in per season, could like release it in volumes, i dunno, it would be about 13 double sided disc collections if they released it all in one, maybe more.


The Australians have remedied that by releasing the complete Series 5 in several seperate boxsets. I really wish more DVD sets of The Bill would be released in the UK. There's no doubt there'll be a market for them.



Unfortunately the UK in general has no love or respect for its own culture or achievements. (I had to get an imported Series 3 of Dalziel & Pascoe and bootlegs of things like Stressed Eric, Chelmsford 123 and the 1990s Harry Enfield shows because UK companies are too bone idle to release them on DVD, yet s**t like Tittybangbang is released on DVD almost instantly. The Bill's Series 4 and some of Series 5 are available in Australia now, each release in Australia consists of nearly fifty episodes (but they're region 4 naturally). In the past year the UK has seen one release of The Bill, with 13 25-minute episodes from Series 4 and there's no sign of any more being released. At the rate of releases (13 episodes a year) in the UK, DVDs will have been replaced by something else by the time they finish releasing Series 4.


That's a shame StormSworder, if as you say, the UK has no respect for it's own productions..... I'm from Australia and I absolutely LOVE UK drama! I think it's the best! (one may accuse me of feeling that way about our own home grown drama.... but, our industry is very small --and sick-- by comparison! ).

(more of) The Bill may be released here, but I am constantly pulling my hair out about so many UK (and US) productions that are not. On many releases we are behind the rest of the world (it seems) and/or when they ARE released here they are withOUT the special features included on the international releases! Not fair-- --It drives ya mad!


I have the same problems with Dalziel & Pascoe. Despite this being a British programme I've had to rely on Dutch imports for series 3, 4 and 5.


My boyfriend recently tried to find out about this because I hadn't seen even the old ones in the shops recently (we're in Australia). He found out that the company that was distributing the DVDs has gone under. I'm not sure whether that company distributes world wide or just to Oz.

Will try to get a link for you all...


Snoopety, Magna Pacific did go under, but the distribution rights were acquired by Village Roadshow. At the moment they don't seem to have any plans to release further sets, but have re-released the Burnside series.

Keep your fingers crossed for the TB sets.

I don't think we're in El KaƱsas any more, Toto...


Ahh ok, well that is semi-good news I suppose. Thanks for the update mzzz tish.


The 4th series of The Bill has been released in the UK in volumes.

The Bill (Series 4) Volume 1
The Bill (Series 4) Volume 2
The Bill (Series 4) Volume 3

Red sky at night - shepherd's pie on fire!


With two volumes released in 2009, it looks as though the DVD releases are picking up nicely, although I suspect that once all episodes from 1988 have been released, an accompanying box set like the ones released in Australia will follow as well.



They've released DVDs so far up 2 series 8. 9-10 are due out in October 12


I have the same problem with Dalziel and Pascoe. Also, I would love to see The Thief Takers and The Knock on dvd, but, no sign of them. As one of our longest running shows, The Bill deserves to be released on dvd and it's unfair. I'm desperate for the later episodes with Smithy, etc


THE KNOCK has been on dvd in the UK,saw it in HMV in London not that long ago,agree about THIEF TAKERS,great series.
