MovieChat Forums > The Bill (1984) Discussion > Most evil, corrupt or self-seeking cop?

Most evil, corrupt or self-seeking cop?

With "The Bill" under a new production from 1994 heading into the waters previously charted by "Coronation Street" -- that is, almost any character is capable of anything -- the candidates for this accolade are everywhere you look. My nomination goes to blonde psycho DC Cathy (Something) who manipulated, sabotaged (and murdered, from memory) her colleagues at will through the 2003-04 era showing on the UK tv channel here in New Zealand currently, and probably then some. Maybe the scriptwriters were emboldened by male-chauvinist-pig Sgt Matt Boyden's killing off and decided they needed a female character to put him and his memory in the shade. Go Girl Power! Any challengers?


I'd probably go with Eddie Santini for trying to rape Rosie Fox and then trying to play the victim, when Rosie and Liz Rawton went to investigate his previous behaviour it showed a pattern of bullying and harassment. He also murdered his girlfriend. Don Beech also deserves a mention however I thought they overplayed it by going back to him too many times.


PC Gabriel Kent


Yes, Gabriel -- He's just shown up in the re-runs here in NZ. Fancy, pashing-up mummy like that... But Cathy Bradford led a charmed life for so long -- crucifying poor Poll in an unauthorised tv interview after she'd been wrongly convicted. All the staff and station hierarchy saw Cathy's performance on screen and just seemed to hunch their shoulders and left Poll rotting in prison. What a laugh... Where's the credibility? By the time she set fire to Brandon's house people must have seen she was in a sociopathic rage heading for a breakdown, and they just treated her like she was just slacking on the job. The upside is I've been watching the updated series from about 2007 and the drama is a thousand-fold better.



Don Beech


Don Beech and Cathy Bradford


Cathy Bradford (Brilliantly played by Connie Hyde) was evil, corrupt and manipulative. She deceived and lied to her colleges. She manipulated people. Robbie Cryer lost her job at Sun Hill Police. She murdered Brandon Kane's wife. PC Polly Paige ended up in prison. Cathy beat up Robbie Cryer and left her for dead and attack Honey Harman. She set Brandon's house on fire. She kidnaps Brandon's children and holds them captive and many years earlier, she gave police the wrong information, about the man who kidnapped her, resulting in the deaths of one of the other kidnap victims.


On that note: Eddie Santini, Des Taviner and Gabriel Kent were no better, no worse than Beech and Bradford. Des Taviner was arrogant!


Eddie Santini, by a long way, as he knew what he was doing. Cathy had a screw loose.Don comes in at number 3.


For most evil i would say Gabriel Kent, with Eddie Santini just below him - they both had evil intentions. Kathy Bradford was diagnosed mentally insane so her possesiveness was more physcological than "evil" intended.
Don Beech definately most corrupt. Des Taviner was determined but ok but an unfortunaty terrible mistake changed his personality.

(as a footnote has there been any character on this show that hasn't had any scancdal or personal gain intended - espcially in C.I.D


In addition to the appropriate responses earlier in the thread, I would also want to name PC Loxton who was the epitome of what a police officer shouldn't be, corrupt, bigoted, short-tempered.



Most evil cop has to be PC Cathy Bradford, then PC Gabriel Kent
there is only Don Beech for the corrupt cop but we could put DS Phil Hunter there as well but i think he was more a self seeking cop as was Cathy Bradford and DS Debbie McAllister but there was DCI Frank Burnside that could be put in any of the categories


Cathy Bradford


Supt Tom Chandler was pretty brutal. Multiple rapes, coverups, corruption and wheel-greasing.
