MovieChat Forums > Violenza in un carcere femminile Discussion > Bizzarre trailer-Shriek Show DVD's

Bizzarre trailer-Shriek Show DVD's

The trailer I played from that section of a Shriek Show DVD I was watching was quite unusual for me to see one like this.It considered of a narrarator explaining the story,a black background,and these silhouette women figures appearing but not the actual moving people,then the narrarator mentioned the wardens and it showed non-moving silhouettes at an angle from where the women inmates are standing,then the trailer stops.What was bizarre was the way the narrarator was talking in the background and when they appeared it was'nt the actual moving characters,they're just silhouettes or something.
I'm sure ther'es trailers out there like this,but it just hit me in a bizarre way with this one.


That does sound bizarre. I haven't seen the trailer, but the movie is just plain boring. It sounds like they put a lot more effort into the trailer than into the film itself.
