I watched this late (or early) one night and at the end, when Robert Forester blows up the judge, a title comes on saying after he killed the judge he turned himself in and is now in jail. When I saw this on video in the early 1980s I don't rmember it having that. Does anybody know if this was added in a bow to political correctness? It seems odd that it would be added after 90 minutes of nearly non-stop graphic violence.


Director William Lustig explains in Vigilante's commentary that in other countries outside the US, he was forced to add that title so the film would play in other countries.


I saw this movie in the theater. That tag line was NOT scrolled at the end. I've never found it on TV. So, I would guess that yes, they probably put that in for the TV version of the film.

By the way, one of the lines from the movie as stuck with me for more than 20 years. I think it is one of the most powerful ever delivered in the history of the cinema.

It occurs at very end of the foot chase between the hero and chief villian. The hero grabs him and is about to throw him off a tower to his death. The villian says: "Go ahead, man. This don't mean a thing to me!"


Just saw this movie for the first time. The DVD does not include that tag line at the end, which by the info of these other posts, it is exactly what the directed wanted.

I really wanted some extras for once on a movie and the only thing the DVD had was the TV ads and trailer from when it came out.
