MovieChat Forums > Vigilante (1983) Discussion > Refrenced in Reservoir Dogs

Refrenced in Reservoir Dogs

In the Movie Connections it says the Vigilante is referenced to in Reservoir Dogs because the scene where Mr. Blonde pours gasoline on the cop is taken from this movie. When does that happen in Vigilante?


It isn't literally the same. It just refers to Rico pouring gasoline over the old guy at the filling station.

What is a reference and isn't listed are the two cops getting shot through the car windscreen - a direct homage in Reservoir Dogs.


Actually that one is taken from City on Fire. It is almost frame by frame the same scene. One gunner, two guns, two dead cops.


I think you've just refreshed my memory with that - if I'm not mistaken, doesn't the car inexplicably blow up after the shooting?


In Vigilante or City on Fire?


Sorry, City on Fire. Have seen Vigilante a few times


No, don't think so. It's shown in the trailer, you can check it on YouTube.


Yep, I see what you mean, thanks for the link. Am sure there's another film though where cops get blown away through the windscreen followed by the car exploding. It's defintiely foreign - could be Italian but am unsure.

This is a certain reference - it's not 100% exactly the same, but Tarantino certainly would have caused a sense of deja vu for anyone who'd seen City on Fire! That's probably what he aims for.
