I loved that waiter

Graham Stark is his name. I don't know much about him, but I liked his dead pan look and semi insulting comments. His comedic timing was good and he all but stole that scene in the restaurant with Julie Andrews and Robert Preston.


I agree, he's one my favorite part of the show. Love the whole exchange in the restaurant. Then towards the end when he recognizes Victoria and yells "COCKROACH" just cracks me up. I'm watching V/V right now on TCM. Man I love this movie. They just don't make them like this anymore.

"To love another person is to see the face of God" Jean Valjean


He was also in The Shadows movie, Finders Keepers (which is not available on DVD...yet).


"Maybe you jaw is tired from chewing so fast".....LOL.



Also plays a great comical waiter in "The Magic Christian"

"What do you want me to do, draw a picture? Spell it out!"


So funny when Toddy asked for a wine list, and Victoria held up her glass and said this was all they had and Toddy said the last time he saw a specimin like that the horse died. And then the waiter, "I shall think of a sharp retort." He was FUNNY.



British character actor; Graham Stark (playing the waiter) was in a lot of Blake Edwards films and the Pink Panther/Inspector Clouseau ones in particular (as a friend of Peter Sellers). See him as Clouseau's assistant trying to synchronise watches before turning the lights out in A Shot in the Dark and as an elderly German hotel receptionist performing an old joke routine with Sellers again about a dog in The Pink Panther Strikes Again..


very, very funny.
RIP Graham Stark. Passed away yesterday aged 91.


I watched this for the first time yesterday on TCM and I KNEW there would be a thread about him. He was so great in that role. My stomach was hurting from laughing so hard. I loved the movie too. The first time I've actually caught it from the beginning and paid attention and I really enjoyed it.


A great British character actor who was in a lot of Blake Edwards movies
