MovieChat Forums > Victor/Victoria (1982) Discussion > Watched this as a child...

Watched this as a child...

I first saw this movie when I was in elementary school and I really didn't know or understand what was going all. I didn't even know what gay meant but I could tell it was something that my parents probably would not let me watch. Nothing against homosexuality...just sexuality in general. I loved the singing and dancing so much. One summer, it seems like this movie was on everyday and I tried to watch it every time it was on.
My mom came by the tv room while I was watching it and sat there and watched it with me. She didn't say a word and giggled a few times. Then came the part where Leslie Ann Warren does that hootchy cootchy dance and my mom says, you shouldn't be watching this. Lol.
I guess she knew that I didn't understand the sexual dialogue but didn't want me seeing a lady shaking her female parts. That was one of my favorite parts! I guess because she was so rachet and pretty at the same time.
