MovieChat Forums > Tron (1982) Discussion > The Matrix - a rip-off of Tron?

The Matrix - a rip-off of Tron?

This must have been asked already BUT having just watched Tron again for the first time in nearly 30 years I was struck by how many plot elements were 'borrowed' in the Matrix trilogy:

1 - People existing both in the real world and inside a virtual construct

2 - Flynn = Neo, a computer hacker when he is inside the virtual construct interact in a unique way with greater power than 'ordinary' programs

3 - Lora/Yori = Trinity, she has an almost identical death/resurrection scene where Flynn brings her back to life

4 - Tron = Morpheus, okay this one's a bit of stretch but Tron has more abilities than your average program and inducts Flynn into how the construct works I know Ram does this as well)

5 - Dillinger/Sark = Agent Smith, the nemesis, an enforcer who grows in power (gets bigger instead of duplicating!)

6 - The finale requires Flynn/Neo to journey to the MCP/Core in order to destroy it and free all the programs

Are there any others that I've missed?


There are bits and pieces that are similar but when you take the whole story/plot into consideration, they're about as different as can be. The word "rip-off" is used too freely on IMDb.


It's worse than that. It's a pretentious rip-off.

@Twitzkrieg - Glasgow's FOREMOST authority


The similarities(the virtual world and computer programs depicted as people) are only superficial similarities.


Actually, they are superficially disimilar. The virtual world/people as programs etc is actually the basic concept. Tron was visually expressive and imaginative within a certain aesthetic. The Matrix uses the concept as an excuse to do (groan) anything, which means co-opting trendy quasi gothic style, with pseudo zen pcycho-babble guns and kung fu, which is actually pretty unoriginal.

Tron Legacy's attempts at some of that zen stuff was a mistake in my opinion.

@Twitzkrieg - Glasgow's FOREMOST authority


The first time I saw The Matrix, I immediately thought of TRON. I think TRON was definitely an influence....

"Don't conform, be like us...."



These kind of concepts have been around in science fiction for a looong time before Tron. If the Matrix is a rip-off, then so is Tron.


What about ReBoot?

Now THAT was a Tron ripoff!


More like descendant. I mean come on now. Of course there is influence, but there are no stories that aren't influenced by something anymore. Anyway, no the Matrix is not a rip off. But I can make the connection to how TRON is part of the history of the Matrix. Especially with how Legacy left off with programs coming into the real world. Couldn't that result in a machine take over? All though if you've seen the Animatrix, you know that isn't what happened. But I like the concept.



The Wachowsks have always been open about what inspired The Matrix. The two major influences: Ghost In The Shell and Dark City.

Watch Ghost In The Shell to see where they got the idea for the agents, watch Dark City for where they got their influence for a lot of the shots. You also have Akira that is known to have inspired The Wachowskis.

The Matrix is a live action anime more than anything.


How can Dark City possibly be an influence to the Matrix? It came out a year after Dark City.

They wachowskis would have to have seen the film, immediately written the script, cast everyone, got all the funding and released it all within a year!

The opening scene used some of the same sets from Dark City...that's where the similarities end.
