Filmed In Portugal?

I'm sure there were segments of this movie that were filmed in Portugal. I'm sure I saw shots of the 25 of April Bridge. And in Valparaiso, shortly before the sailor talks with with the blindman, we see a streetcar coming down the street - the identification at the streetcar's top is Prazeres 28, a route in Lisbon. I'm guessing a bit of the movie was filmed along the Tejo river docks.

This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.


Yes, Ruiz has shot quite a few films and TV series' in Portugal since the early 1980s, usually for producer Paolo Branco but usually in French (CITY OF PIRATES, LOVE TORN IN A DREAM and several others) or English (TREASURE ISLAND and DARK AT NOON). I imagine that MISTERIOS DE LISBOA will be in Portuguese though.


Yes, he was filming Mistérios de Lisboa in Portugal. I'd love to see it.

This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.
